Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS
Following the below link to create the Systems Manager (SSM) VPC endpoint Create a VPC endpoint Use Systems Manager to manage private EC2 instances without internet access
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-7-101 ~]$ aws ssm describe-instance-information –filters “Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-093bd00d9abb8b515” \
--region cn-north-1 --output table ----------------------------------------------- | DescribeInstanceInformation | +---------------------------------------------+ || InstanceInformationList || |+-------------------+-----------------------+| || AgentVersion | 2.3.714.0 || || ComputerName | ray-demo-tools || || IPAddress | || || InstanceId | i-093bd00d9abb8b515 || || IsLatestVersion | False || || LastPingDateTime | 1583899140.89 || || PingStatus | Online || || PlatformName | Amazon Linux || || PlatformType | Linux || || PlatformVersion | 2 || || ResourceType | EC2Instance || |+-------------------+-----------------------+| ```