Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Workshop

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Workshop

Setup environment

The workshop content is based on

For global region, you can directly Launch it from github

For China region, use the CloudFormation Template to manually deploy.


FSx file system Console Overview

Examine the Summary section of the FSx file system attributes


Network & security of the FSx file system attributes



Security group setting


Amazon FSx for Windows File Server performs routine software patching for the Microsoft Windows Server software it manages. The maintenance window is your opportunity to control what day and time of the week this software patching occurs. Patching occurs infrequently, typically once every several weeks. Patching should require only a fraction of your 30-minute maintenance window. During these few minutes of time, your Single-AZ file system is temporarily unavailable, and Multi-AZ file systems automatically fail over and fail back.


Working on file share

Before you can mount a file share on a Windows instance, you must launch the EC2 instance and join it to an AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. To perform this action, choose one of the following procedures from the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide:

  1. Map network driver


The folder format: //DNS-name-FSx-file-system/share


  1. Create new file under file share


  1. Create new file shares

On windows instance, from Start -> Type fsmgmt.msc

From the Shared Folders window, select Action » Connect to another computer…​.


Create A Shared Folder Wizard





  1. Windows Remote PowerShell Endpoint

Run the updated script in the Windows PowerShell window. Replace the windows_remote_powershell_endpoint with your FSx file system powershell_endpoint DNS name

$WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint = "" #  "windows_remote_powershell_endpoint"
enter-pssession -ComputerName ${WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint} -ConfigurationName FsxRemoteAdmin



[]: PS>Get-FSxSmbShare

Name        ScopeName       Path           Description
----        ---------       ----           -----------
application AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA D:\application
D$          AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA D:\            Default Share
data        AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA D:\data
IPC$        *                              Remote IPC
share       AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA D:\share

[]: PS>Get-FSxSmbSession

SessionId     ClientComputerName ClientUserName NumOpens
---------     ------------------ -------------- --------
4415226380297           example\Admin  0

[]: PS>Get-FSxSmbServerConfiguration

EncryptData RejectUnencryptedAccess
----------- -----------------------
       True                   False

Get-FSxSmbShareAccess (when prompted, enter these share names one at a time: application, data, share; press enter between each one and again at the end)

[]: PS>Get-FSxSmbShareAccess

cmdlet Get-FSxSmbShareAccess at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Name[0]: application
Name[1]: data
Name[2]: share

Name        ScopeName       AccountName AccessControlType AccessRight
----        ---------       ----------- ----------------- -----------
data        AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA Everyone    Allow             Full
share       AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA Everyone    Allow             Full
application AMZNFSXC1RVI8EA Everyone    Allow             Full

Accessing Amazon FSx for Windows File Server File Systems from On-Premises

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server supports the use of AWS Direct Connect or AWS VPN to access your file systems from your on-premises compute instances.

Accessing Amazon FSx for Windows File Server File Systems from Another VPC, Account, or AWS Region

You can access your Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system from compute instances in a different VPC, AWS account, or AWS Region from that associated with your file system. To do so, you can use VPC peering or transit gateways.

  1. Join an EC2 Instance to Your AWS Managed Microsoft AD Directory

  2. Validating connectivity to your Active Directory domain controllers


  1. Amazon FSx Information in CloudTrail

  2. Windows file share audit FSx-file-share-audit

File and Folder-Level Access Control Using Windows ACLs

Follow up the guide:

  1. Create 2 instances: EC2-Full and EC2-Read
  2. Create 2 AD users with Full control for firstec2user and Read-Only for secondec2user.
  3. Default share file share can read/write by Everyone
  4. New data file share can read/write for firstec2user but only read permission for secondec2user. FSx-firstuser-full-control


  1. Verify secondec2user cannot create the file under data file share FSx-secondec2user-failed

Test Performance

Using DiskSpd to do performace tests

  1. Run the script below in the PowerShell to create a 100 GB sparse file. ``` $random = $(Get-Random) fsutil file createnew Z:${env:computername}-$random.dat 100000000000

File Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat is created

2. Read test

C:\Tools\DiskSpd-2.0.21a\amd64\DiskSpd.exe -d120 -w0 -r -t1 -o32 -b64K -Su -L Z:${env:computername}-$random.dat

Results for timespan 1: ***************************

actual test time: 120.02s thread count: 1 proc count: 2

CPU | Usage | User | Kernel | Idle

0| 92.74%| 3.66%| 89.08%| 7.26% 1| 1.29%| 0.48%| 0.81%| 98.71% ——————————————- avg.| 47.01%| 2.07%| 44.94%| 52.99%

Total IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 71644479488 | 1093208 | 569.31 | 9108.89 | 3.510 | 1.806 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 71644479488 | 1093208 | 569.31 | 9108.89 | 3.510 | 1.806

Read IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 71644479488 | 1093208 | 569.31 | 9108.89 | 3.510 | 1.806 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 71644479488 | 1093208 | 569.31 | 9108.89 | 3.510 | 1.806

Write IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A

total: %-ile | Read (ms) | Write (ms) | Total (ms) ———————————————- min | 0.445 | N/A | 0.445 25th | 2.787 | N/A | 2.787 50th | 3.372 | N/A | 3.372 75th | 4.028 | N/A | 4.028 90th | 4.740 | N/A | 4.740 95th | 5.251 | N/A | 5.251 99th | 6.549 | N/A | 6.549 3-nines | 12.163 | N/A | 12.163 4-nines | 104.633 | N/A | 104.633 5-nines | 135.448 | N/A | 135.448 6-nines | 137.379 | N/A | 137.379 7-nines | 137.847 | N/A | 137.847 8-nines | 137.847 | N/A | 137.847 9-nines | 137.847 | N/A | 137.847 max | 137.847 | N/A | 137.847


-b[K|M|G] Block size in bytes or KiB, MiB, or GiB (default = 64K).

-o Number of outstanding I/O requests per-target per-thread. (1 = synchronous I/O, unless more than one thread is specified with by using -F.) (default = 2)

-r[K|M|G] Random I/O aligned to the specified number of bytes or KiB, MiB, GiB, or blocks. Overrides -s (default stride = block size).

-s[K|M|G] Sequential stride size, offset between subsequent I/O operations in bytes or KiB, MiB, GiB, or blocks. Ignored if -r is specified (default access = sequential, default stride = block size).

-t Number of threads per target. Conflicts with -F, which specifies the total number of threads.

-Su Disable software caching.

More testing

C:\Tools\DiskSpd-2.0.21a\amd64\DiskSpd.exe -d120 -w0 -r -t8 -o32 -b1M -Su -L Z:${env:computername}-$random.dat

Results for timespan 1: ***************************

actual test time: 120.00s thread count: 8 proc count: 2

CPU | Usage | User | Kernel | Idle

0| 74.91%| 0.18%| 74.73%| 25.09% 1| 17.20%| 0.31%| 16.89%| 82.80% ——————————————- avg.| 46.05%| 0.25%| 45.81%| 53.95%

Total IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 8325693440 | 7940 | 66.17 | 66.17 | 481.657 | 696.925 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 1 | 8492417024 | 8099 | 67.49 | 67.49 | 471.919 | 692.439 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 2 | 8337227776 | 7951 | 66.26 | 66.26 | 481.048 | 697.435 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 3 | 8585740288 | 8188 | 68.23 | 68.23 | 467.160 | 688.631 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 4 | 8376025088 | 7988 | 66.57 | 66.57 | 479.316 | 694.942 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 5 | 8294236160 | 7910 | 65.92 | 65.92 | 483.063 | 698.421 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 6 | 8453619712 | 8062 | 67.18 | 67.18 | 473.769 | 691.402 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 7 | 8336179200 | 7950 | 66.25 | 66.25 | 480.799 | 696.913 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 67201138688 | 64088 | 534.07 | 534.07 | 477.282 | 694.631

Read IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 8325693440 | 7940 | 66.17 | 66.17 | 481.657 | 696.925 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 1 | 8492417024 | 8099 | 67.49 | 67.49 | 471.919 | 692.439 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 2 | 8337227776 | 7951 | 66.26 | 66.26 | 481.048 | 697.435 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 3 | 8585740288 | 8188 | 68.23 | 68.23 | 467.160 | 688.631 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 4 | 8376025088 | 7988 | 66.57 | 66.57 | 479.316 | 694.942 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 5 | 8294236160 | 7910 | 65.92 | 65.92 | 483.063 | 698.421 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 6 | 8453619712 | 8062 | 67.18 | 67.18 | 473.769 | 691.402 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 7 | 8336179200 | 7950 | 66.25 | 66.25 | 480.799 | 696.913 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 67201138688 | 64088 | 534.07 | 534.07 | 477.282 | 694.631

Write IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 3 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 4 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 6 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) 7 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-596612077.dat (93GiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A

total: %-ile | Read (ms) | Write (ms) | Total (ms) ———————————————- min | 9.201 | N/A | 9.201 25th | 52.350 | N/A | 52.350 50th | 93.252 | N/A | 93.252 75th | 372.770 | N/A | 372.770 90th | 1764.097 | N/A | 1764.097 95th | 1832.003 | N/A | 1832.003 99th | 1954.918 | N/A | 1954.918 3-nines | 2030.987 | N/A | 2030.987 4-nines | 2049.324 | N/A | 2049.324 5-nines | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425 6-nines | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425 7-nines | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425 8-nines | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425 9-nines | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425 max | 2052.425 | N/A | 2052.425

3. DiskSpd Write tests

$random = $(Get-Random) C:\Tools\DiskSpd-2.0.21a\amd64\DiskSpd.exe -d120 -c2G -s64K -w100 -t1 -o32 -b64K -Sh -L Z:${env:computername}-$random.dat

Results for timespan 1: ***************************

actual test time: 120.01s thread count: 1 proc count: 2

CPU | Usage | User | Kernel | Idle

0| 21.61%| 1.38%| 20.23%| 78.39% 1| 0.98%| 0.34%| 0.64%| 99.02% ——————————————- avg.| 11.30%| 0.86%| 10.44%| 88.70%

Total IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 31540838400 | 481275 | 250.64 | 4010.21 | 7.979 | 7.115 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-1258690812.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 31540838400 | 481275 | 250.64 | 4010.21 | 7.979 | 7.115

Read IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-1258690812.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A

Write IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 31540838400 | 481275 | 250.64 | 4010.21 | 7.979 | 7.115 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-1258690812.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 31540838400 | 481275 | 250.64 | 4010.21 | 7.979 | 7.115

total: %-ile | Read (ms) | Write (ms) | Total (ms) ———————————————- min | N/A | 2.133 | 2.133 25th | N/A | 6.507 | 6.507 50th | N/A | 7.048 | 7.048 75th | N/A | 8.035 | 8.035 90th | N/A | 10.669 | 10.669 95th | N/A | 13.333 | 13.333 99th | N/A | 18.742 | 18.742 3-nines | N/A | 88.892 | 88.892 4-nines | N/A | 322.582 | 322.582 5-nines | N/A | 492.848 | 492.848 6-nines | N/A | 524.693 | 524.693 7-nines | N/A | 524.693 | 524.693 8-nines | N/A | 524.693 | 524.693 9-nines | N/A | 524.693 | 524.693 max | N/A | 524.693 | 524.693


-d Duration in seconds.

-b[K|M|G] Block size in bytes or KiB, MiB, or GiB (default = 64K).

-c[K|M|G] Create files of the specified size. Size can be stated in bytes or KiBs, MiBs, GiBs, or blocks.

-r[K|M|G] Random I/O aligned to the specified number of bytes or KiB, MiB, GiB, or blocks. Overrides -s.

-s[K|M|G] Sequential stride size, offset between subsequent I/O operations in bytes or KiB, MiB, GiB, or blocks. Ignored if -r is specified (default access = sequential, default stride = block size).

-o Number of outstanding I/O requests per-target per-thread. (1 = synchronous I/O, unless more than one thread is specified with by using -F.) (default = 2)

-t Number of threads per target. Conflicts with -F, which specifies the total number of threads.

-Sh Disables both software caching and hardware write caching.

More tests:

$random = $(Get-Random) C:\Tools\DiskSpd-2.0.21a\amd64\DiskSpd.exe -d120 -c2G -s1M -w100 -t8 -o32 -b1M -Sh -L Z:${env:computername}-$random.dat

Results for timespan 1: ***************************

actual test time: 120.01s thread count: 8 proc count: 2

CPU | Usage | User | Kernel | Idle

0| 17.81%| 0.09%| 17.72%| 82.19% 1| 11.89%| 0.08%| 11.81%| 88.11% ——————————————- avg.| 14.85%| 0.08%| 14.77%| 85.15%

Total IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 3893362688 | 3713 | 30.94 | 30.94 | 1027.982 | 711.797 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 1 | 3545235456 | 3381 | 28.17 | 28.17 | 1131.111 | 789.632 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 2 | 3609198592 | 3442 | 28.68 | 28.68 | 1109.752 | 772.783 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 3 | 3679453184 | 3509 | 29.24 | 29.24 | 1090.488 | 756.794 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 4 | 3747610624 | 3574 | 29.78 | 29.78 | 1070.091 | 744.109 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 5 | 3796893696 | 3621 | 30.17 | 30.17 | 1056.351 | 733.446 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 6 | 3484418048 | 3323 | 27.69 | 27.69 | 1151.288 | 812.562 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 7 | 3835691008 | 3658 | 30.48 | 30.48 | 1045.949 | 722.482 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 29591863296 | 28221 | 235.15 | 235.15 | 1083.903 | 756.021

Read IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 2 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 3 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 4 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 5 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 6 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 7 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.000 | N/A

Write IO thread | bytes | I/Os | MiB/s | I/O per s | AvgLat | LatStdDev | file —————————————————————————————————– 0 | 3893362688 | 3713 | 30.94 | 30.94 | 1027.982 | 711.797 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 1 | 3545235456 | 3381 | 28.17 | 28.17 | 1131.111 | 789.632 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 2 | 3609198592 | 3442 | 28.68 | 28.68 | 1109.752 | 772.783 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 3 | 3679453184 | 3509 | 29.24 | 29.24 | 1090.488 | 756.794 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 4 | 3747610624 | 3574 | 29.78 | 29.78 | 1070.091 | 744.109 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 5 | 3796893696 | 3621 | 30.17 | 30.17 | 1056.351 | 733.446 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 6 | 3484418048 | 3323 | 27.69 | 27.69 | 1151.288 | 812.562 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) 7 | 3835691008 | 3658 | 30.48 | 30.48 | 1045.949 | 722.482 | Z:\EC2AMAZ-07IMTRS-809513927.dat (2048MiB) —————————————————————————————————– total: 29591863296 | 28221 | 235.15 | 235.15 | 1083.903 | 756.021

total: %-ile | Read (ms) | Write (ms) | Total (ms) ———————————————- min | N/A | 9.530 | 9.530 25th | N/A | 448.957 | 448.957 50th | N/A | 989.514 | 989.514 75th | N/A | 1776.601 | 1776.601 90th | N/A | 2184.468 | 2184.468 95th | N/A | 2242.659 | 2242.659 99th | N/A | 2383.052 | 2383.052 3-nines | N/A | 2635.294 | 2635.294 4-nines | N/A | 3098.379 | 3098.379 5-nines | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056 6-nines | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056 7-nines | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056 8-nines | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056 9-nines | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056 max | N/A | 3250.056 | 3250.056

## Enable data deduplication
1. Setup the Windows Remote PowerShell Endpoint

$WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint = “” # “windows_remote_powershell_endpoint” enter-pssession -ComputerName ${WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint} -ConfigurationName FsxRemoteAdmin

2. Check the FSxDedup command list

CommandType Name Version Source ———– —- ——- —— Function Disable-FSxDedup 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Enable-FSxDedup 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxDedupConfiguration 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxDedupJob 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxDedupMetadata 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxDedupSchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxDedupStatus 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Measure-FSxDedupFileMetadata 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function New-FSxDedupSchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Remove-FSxDedupSchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Set-FSxDedupConfiguration 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Set-FSxDedupSchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Stop-FSxDedupJob 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Update-FSxDedupStatus 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin

3. Enable data depduplication for the entire FSx file system.

ObjectId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}
ChunkRedundancyThreshold : 100 DataAccessEnabled : True Enabled : True ExcludeFileType : ExcludeFileTypeDefault : {edb, jrs} ExcludeFolder : InputOutputScale : 0 MinimumFileAgeDays : 3 MinimumFileSize : 32768 NoCompress : False NoCompressionFileType : {asf, mov, wma, wmv…} OptimizeInUseFiles : False OptimizePartialFiles : False SavedSpace : 0 UsageType : Default Verify : False Volume : D: VolumeId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}\

4. Create new data deduplication optimization schedule

New-FSxDedupSchedule Name: DailyOptimization Type: Optimization

Set-FSxDedupSchedule -Name DailyOptimization -Start 6:13am

4. Examine your data deduplication environment

ObjectId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}
ChunkRedundancyThreshold : 100 DataAccessEnabled : True Enabled : True ExcludeFileType : ExcludeFileTypeDefault : {edb, jrs} ExcludeFolder : InputOutputScale : 0 MinimumFileAgeDays : 3 MinimumFileSize : 32768 NoCompress : False NoCompressionFileType : {asf, mov, wma, wmv…} OptimizeInUseFiles : False OptimizePartialFiles : False SavedSpace : 0 UsageType : Default Verify : False Volume : D: VolumeId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}\

ObjectId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}
InPolicyFilesCount : 0 InPolicyFilesSize : 0 LastGarbageCollectionResult : LastGarbageCollectionResultMessage : LastGarbageCollectionTime : LastOptimizationResult : 0 LastOptimizationResultMessage : The operation completed successfully. LastOptimizationTime : 10/28/2020 6:13:10 AM LastScrubbingResult : LastScrubbingResultMessage : LastScrubbingTime : OptimizedFilesCount : 0 OptimizedFilesSavingsRate : 0 OptimizedFilesSize : 0 SavedSpace : 0 Volume : D: VolumeId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}\

Volume : D: VolumeId : \?\Volume{ab0a4a86-5df2-4db8-b37c-ba5d2151436c}
StoreId : {FCFD8BBC-3C14-48CF-A017-51DA25637302} DataChunkCount : 0 DataContainerCount : 0 DataChunkAverageSize : 0 B DataChunkMedianSize : 0 B DataStoreUncompactedFreespace : 0 B StreamMapChunkCount : 0 StreamMapContainerCount : 0 StreamMapAverageDataChunkCount : StreamMapMedianDataChunkCount : StreamMapMaxDataChunkCount : HotspotChunkCount : 0 HotspotContainerCount : 0 HotspotMedianReferenceCount : CorruptionLogEntryCount : 0 TotalChunkStoreSize : 156 B

Enabled Type StartTime Days Name ——- —- ——— —- —- True Optimization BackgroundOptimization True Optimization 6:13 AM {Sunday, Monday… DailyOptimization True GarbageCollection 2:45 AM Saturday WeeklyGarbageCollection True Scrubbing 3:45 AM Saturday WeeklyScrubbing

Measure-FSxDedupFileMetadata -path “D:\share”

## Enable shadow copies

1. Setup the Windows Remote PowerShell Endpoint

$WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint = “” # “windows_remote_powershell_endpoint” enter-pssession -ComputerName ${WindowsRemotePowerShellEndpoint} -ConfigurationName FsxRemoteAdmin

2. Browser the shadow command

CommandType Name Version Source ———– —- ——- —— Function Get-FSxShadowCopies 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxShadowCopySchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Get-FSxShadowStorage 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function New-FSxShadowCopy 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Remove-FSxShadowCopies 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Remove-FSxShadowCopySchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Remove-FSxShadowStorage 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Set-FSxShadowCopySchedule 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Set-FSxShadowStorage 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin

3. Set shadow copy storage for the entire FSx file system

The default shadow copy storage setting lets shadow copies consume a maximum of 10 percent of your file system. The default schedule automatically takes shadow copies every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM UTC.

FSx Shadow Storage Configuration

AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace ————– ——— ——– 0 0 549755813888

Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation “Confirm-Change” on target “Set-FSxShadowCopySchedule”. [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is “Y”): Y FSx Shadow Copy Schedule

Start Time Days of Week WeeksInterval ———- ———— ————- 2020-10-28T07:00:00+00:00 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday 1 2020-10-28T12:00:00+00:00 Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday 1

Get-FSxShadowCopies Get-FSxShadowCopySchedule Get-FSxShadowStorage

3. Modify shadow copy storage

FSx Shadow Storage Configuration

AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace ————– ——— ——– 0 0 549755813888

FSx Shadow Storage Configuration

AllocatedSpace UsedSpace MaxSpace ————– ——— ——– 0 0 1099511627776

4. Create a new shadow copy

Shadow Copy {7E2C4EAD-4DAD-4CFD-A423-C11937098479} taken successfully.

5. Restore the file

## Enable Enforcement of In-transit Encryption
1. Review the PowerShell function commands for the SMB server configuration

CommandType Name Version Source ———– —- ——- —— Function Get-FSxSmbServerConfiguration 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin Function Set-FSxSmbServerConfiguration 1.0 FSxRemoteAdmin

EncryptData RejectUnencryptedAccess ———– ———————– True False

2. Enable enforcement of in-transit encryption

Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing the operation “Confirm-Change” on target “Set-FSxSMBServerConfiguration”. [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is “Y”): Y

EncryptData RejectUnencryptedAccess ———– ———————– True True ```

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  1. Delete CloudFormation stack