Use the Amazon Connect to call out the mobile phone

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Use the Amazon Connect to call out the mobile phone

Amazon Connect is an easy to use omnichannel cloud contact center, which provides a seamless experience across voice and chat for your customers and agents.

This demo will use the Amazon Connect to call out the mobile phone which invoked by lambda. The lambda can be trigged by different event source wuch as CloudWatch, SNS, etc.



  1. Enable the Amazon Connect outbound calls, here I use the Tokyo region (ap-northeast-1) for demo. connect-callout-config

  2. Login your Amazon Connect dashboard with Login URL to configure the callout phone number and contact flow connect-login

  3. Claim Phone number claim-phone-number claim-phone-number2

  4. Create the Lambda InvokeAmazonConnect with code

    • Python 3.8 runtime
    • 30s timeout
    • 128M memory
    • In this demo, I use the AWS Secret Manager to store the AWS Global region credential with name /prod/global/credential. You need define it in China region with 2 key/value pair
    • Update the with your Amazon Connect instance setting and call-out number. Please replace the values of replace-with-* parameters

At the top-left of your contact flow, under the Name, see the Additional Information section.


  1. Configure the Lambda function trigger event
    • Event Bridge Event rule Invoke-Global-Amazon-Connect-Event event-bridge-rule
       "source": [
    • Set the Target as Lambda function InvokeAmazonConnect event-bridge-lambda event-bridge-lambda2
  1. Verify the call-out can be reach to your Destination Phone Number connect-call-phone


Using amazon-connect-callout github repo

Automating outbound calling to customers using Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect

Connect Demo