WebHosting - Amazon S3 as a deployment provider

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

WebHosting - Amazon S3 as a deployment provider

Deploy static website files to Amazon S3.

  1. Create a CodeCommit Repository: SampleWebsite

  2. Check in the sample website resources
    cd SampleWebsite
    wget https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/samples/sample-website.zip
    unzip sample-website.zip -d SampleWebsite
    mv sample-website/* SampleWebsite/
    rm -r sample-website
    Modify the index.html
    zip -r SampleAp
  3. Follow up the guide S3 WebsiteHosting to configure S3 bucket for website hosting

Here I use the ray-webhosting-demo as bucket with Endpoint : http://ray-webhosting-demo.s3-website-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com

git add -A
git commit -m "Added static website files"
git push
  1. Create a CodePipeline with name MyS3DeployPipeline
    • Add source stage, in Source provider, choose AWS CodeCommit.
    • CodeCommit Repository: SampleWebsite, branch: master
    • Add deploy stage, in Deploy provider, choose Amazon S3 bucket ray-webhosting-demo
    • Select Extract file before deploy.
  2. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
    • Verify the artifacts have been upload
      aws s3 ls s3://ray-webhosting-demo --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
      2020-08-13 06:43:27       3963 error.html
      2020-08-13 06:43:27      25628 graphic.jpg
      2020-08-13 06:43:27        313 index.html
      2020-08-13 06:43:27        264 main.css
    • Access the S3 webhosting Endpoint, in here, http://ray-webhosting-demo.s3-website-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com
  3. Make a change to any source file and verify deployment

Deploy built archive files to Amazon S3

  1. create the buildspec.yml ```yaml version: 0.2

phases: install: commands: - npm install -g typescript build: commands: - tsc index.ts artifacts: files: - index.js secondary-artifacts: artifact1: files: - index.js name: secondary_artifact_ts_files

Reference [build-spec-ref](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/build-spec-ref.html)

2. create the index.ts
interface Greeting {
    message: string;

class HelloGreeting implements Greeting {
    message = "Hello!";

function greet(greeting: Greeting) {

let greeting = new HelloGreeting();

  1. Update the MyS3DeployPipeline pipeline to add build stage
    • Build provider, choose AWS CodeBuild.
    • Create build project.
      • Project name: S3WebHosting
      • Environment: Managed image, Operating system: Ubuntu.
      • Runtime, choose Standard. For Runtime version, choose aws/codebuild/standard:4.0.
      • Image version, choose Always use the latest image for this runtime version.
      • Service role, choose your CodeBuild service role MyCodeBuildRole with AWSCodeBuildAdminAccess, AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess, and IAMFullAccess
      • For Build specifications, choose Use a buildspec file.
      • CloudWatch Group: /aws/codebuild/codebuilddemo
    • Add the secondary-artifacts in build project
    • Artifact identifier: artifact1
    • Type: S3
    • Bucket Name: ray-webhosting-demo
    • Name: S3WebHosting
    • Others Setting: default value

Choose Continue to CodePipeline. A message is displayed if the project was created successfully.

  1. Check in the buildspec.yml and index.ts to trigger the code pipeline
    git add .
    git commit -m "add index.ts and buildspec.yml"
  2. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
    • Verify the artifacts have been upload
      aws s3 ls s3://ray-webhosting-demo --recursive --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
      2020-08-13 09:50:12        268 S3WebHosting/index.js
      2020-08-13 09:50:17        269 buildspec.yml
      2020-08-13 09:50:17       3963 error.html
      2020-08-13 09:50:17      25628 graphic.jpg
      2020-08-13 09:50:17        732 index.html
      2020-08-13 09:50:17        242 index.ts
      2020-08-13 09:50:17        264 main.css
    • Access the S3 webhosting Endpoint, in here, http://ray-webhosting-demo.s3-website-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com