Lambda and Step Funtions invoke actions in CodePipeline

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Lambda and Step Funtions invoke actions in CodePipeline

Lambda invoke actions

Step 1: Create a Lambda function

  1. Create myCodePipelineInvokeFunction Lambda function

Note: the Lambda execution role need permission of codepipeline:PutJobSuccessResult

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

exports.handler = function(event, context) {
    var codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline();
    // Retrieve the Job ID from the Lambda action
    var jobId = event["CodePipeline.job"].id;
    // Retrieve the value of UserParameters from the Lambda action configuration in AWS CodePipeline,
    // in this case it is the Commit ID of the latest change of the pipeline.
    var commitId = event["CodePipeline.job"].data.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters; 
    // The region from where the lambda function is being executed.
    var lambdaRegion = process.env.AWS_REGION;
    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a successful job
    var putJobSuccess = function(message) {
        var successInput = {
            jobId: jobId,
            outputVariables: {
                testRunId: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(),
                dateTime: Date(,
                region: lambdaRegion
        codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult(successInput, function(err, data) {
            if(err) {
            } else {
    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a failed job
    var putJobFailure = function(message) {
        var failureInput = {
            jobId: jobId,
            failureDetails: {
                message: JSON.stringify(message),
                type: 'JobFailed',
                externalExecutionId: context.invokeid
        codepipeline.putJobFailureResult(failureInput, function(err, data) {
    var sendResult = function() {
        try {
            console.log("Testing commit - " + commitId);
            // Your tests here
            // Succeed the job
            putJobSuccess("Tests passed.");
        } catch (ex) {
            // If any of the assertions failed then fail the job

Step 2: Add a Lambda invoke action and manual approval action to your pipeline

Reuse the two-stage-pipeline pipeline define in two-stage-pipeline quickstart

  1. Add a stage after the Deploy Stage before Production Deploy Stage in the two-stage-pipeline pipeline. Enter a name for the stage: Lambda-Testing
    • Add an action, Action name: Test_Commit.
    • Action provider: AWS Lambda.
    • Input artifacts: SourceArtifact.
    • Function name: myCodePipelineInvokeFunction
    • User parameters: #{SourceVariables.CommitId}
    • Variable namespace: TestVariables
    • Output artifacts: leave blank
  2. Add the manual approval action to your pipeline.

Before deploy to production, we need manual approval step. After Lambda-Testing, add Stage Approval

Step 3: Verify your pipeline ran successfully

  1. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
  2. When the pipeline reaches the manual approval stage, choose Review. The resolved variables appear as the URL for the commit ID. Your approver can choose the URL to view the commit.
  3. After approve, the pipeline can be continue executed

Step Funtions invoke actions

Step 1: Create a Step Funtions

Create a state machine using the HelloWorld sample template

Step 2: Add a Step Functions invoke action to your pipeline

Add a stage after the Lambda-Testing Stage before Approval Stage in the two-stage-pipeline pipeline. Enter a name for the stage: StepFunction-Testing

Step 3: Verify your pipeline ran successfully

  1. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
  2. When the pipeline complete the Step Functions stage, in the AWS Step Functions console, view your state machine of state machine name HelloWorld and the state machine execution ID with the prefix codepipline_.