Create a pipeline with an Amazon ECR source and ECS-to-CodeDeploy deployment

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Create a pipeline with an Amazon ECR source and ECS-to-CodeDeploy deployment

Step 1: Create image and push to an Amazon ECR repository

docker pull nginx
docker images
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name nginx --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global

docker tag nginx:latest
aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker push

Step 2: Create task definition and AppSpec source files and push to a CodeCommit repository

  1. Replace the placeholder to `nginx` in taskdef.json
aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://taskdef.json --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
  1. After the task definition is registered, edit your file to replace the nginx back to <IMAGE1_NAME> placeholder text in the image field.

  2. To create an AppSpec file appspec.yaml

Step 3: Create ECS resources

  1. Create your Application Load Balancer and target groups
  2. Create your Amazon ECS cluster and service
    aws ecs create-service --service-name my-service --cli-input-json file://create-service.json --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
    aws ecs describe-services --cluster ecs-demo --services my-service --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global

Step 4: Create your CodeDeploy application and deployment group

  1. Create Application: MyECSDemoApplication with ECS compute platform
  2. Create a CodeDeploy deployment group
    • Name: ecs-deployment
    • Service Role: MyCodeDeployRole
    • ECS cluster: ecs-demo
    • ECS service name: my-service
    • LoadBalancer: ecs-demo-alb, production listener port: 80, test listener port: 8080, TargetGroup 1: ecs-demo-alb-blue-tg (for 80), TargetGroup 2: ecs-demo-alb-gree-tg (for 8080)
    • Choose Reroute traffic immediately

Step 5: Create your pipeline

Step 6: Verify your pipeline ran successfully

  1. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
  2. Access the Public DNS of your ALB in your browser to view sample ECS application (for both 80 and 8080)

Step 7: Add a Build Specification File to Your Source Repository

  1. Create CodeCommit Repository with name MyECSDemo
  2. Checkin the buildspec.yml
    git clone ssh://
    git add .
    git commit -m "Adding container build specification."
    git push

Step 8: Creating ECS resources

  1. Create the Task Definition for hello-world with hello-world ECR image and map to 9080 port
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name hello-world --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
    cd webpage-demo
    docker build . -t hello-world:latest
    docker tag hello-world:latest
    aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
    docker push
  2. Create the Service hello-world under ecs-demo Cluster
    aws ecs create-service --service-name hello-world --cli-input-json file://create-service-hello-world.json --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global
    aws ecs describe-services --cluster ecs-demo --services my-service --region ap-southeast-1 --profile global

Step 8: Creating the Continuous Deployment Pipeline

Step 9: Verify your pipeline ran successfully

  1. Verify your pipeline ran successfully
  2. Access the Public DNS of your ALB in your browser to view sample ECS application (9080)


Cannot connect to the Docker daemon