Integrating Sales and Service for Asset Management with AWS Neptune

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Integrating Sales and Service for Asset Management with AWS Neptune


John (dark blue cake) is a scientist and an employee of ACME lab corporation (light blue cake). John has purchased an freezer, DNA Sequencer (QuantStudio), and a master mix regent to perform his experiments. As John works with these instruments, his freezer door malfunctions. ACME corporation has a ‘silver’ tier contract and notifies the manufacturer that the freezer door has malfunctioned. The manufacturer of the freezer assigns a service ticket to a knowledgeable service technician, Joe (orange cake).

Creating a Neptune Database

Or you can use the CloudFormation to create the getting start database

Launch Neptune Workbench

The best way to get started with Amazon Neptune is to use the Neptune workbench.

Run the Asset Management Notebook

Upload the assetmanagement.ipynb and run it

Run Air Routes Notebook

  1. Launch the CloudFromation Stack to create the Neptune database and sagemaker Notebook

  1. Run the sagemaker Notebook to interactive with Neptune database


Integrating Sales and Service with AWS Neptune

Building a customer identity graph with Amazon Neptune

Analyze Amazon Neptune Graphs using Amazon SageMaker Jupyter Notebooks

Let Me Graph That For You – Part 1 – Air Routes