Cost and Usage Report analysis

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

Cost and Usage Report analysis

Lab guide

Highlight steps:

Enable Cost Usage Report


CLI query

aws ce get-cost-and-usage \
    --time-period Start=2021-01-01,End=2021-02-01 \
    --granularity MONTHLY \
    --metrics "BlendedCost" "UnblendedCost" "UsageQuantity" \
    --group-by Type=DIMENSION,Key=USAGE_TYPE\
    --region cn-north-1 --profile cn-north-1
aws ce get-cost-and-usage \
    --time-period Start=2021-01-01,End=2021-02-01 \
    --granularity MONTHLY \
    --metrics "BlendedCost" "UnblendedCost" "UsageQuantity" \
    --group-by Type=DIMENSION,Key=SERVICE\
    --region cn-north-1 --profile cn-north-1

Glue Crawler Job

Common Anlysis SQL

  1. What are all the columns and data are in the CUR table?
    SELECT * FROM "costmaster"."china_cur_ray" limit 10;
  2. What are all the different values in a specific column?
    SELECT "line_item_line_item_description" FROM "costmaster"."china_cur_ray" limit 10;
  3. What are all the columns from the CUR, where a specific value is in the column
    SELECT * from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    WHERE "line_item_line_item_type" like '%Usage%'
    LIMIT 10;
  4. What billing periods are available?
    SELECT distinct bill_billing_period_start_date FROM "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    LIMIT 10;
  5. Top10 Costs by AccountID
    SELECT "line_item_usage_account_id", round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from"costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    GROUP BY "line_item_usage_account_id"
    ORDER BY cost desc
    LIMIT 10;
  6. Top10 Costs by Product/Services
    SELECT "line_item_product_code", round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from"costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    GROUP BY "line_item_product_code"
    ORDER BY cost desc
    LIMIT 10;
  7. Top10 Costs by Line Item Description
    SELECT "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_description", round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    GROUP BY "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_description"
    ORDER BY cost desc
    LIMIT 10;
  8. Top EC2 Cost
     SELECT "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_description", round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
     WHERE "line_item_product_code" like '%AmazonEC2%'
     GROUP BY "line_item_product_code", "line_item_line_item_description"
     ORDER BY cost desc
     LIMIT 10;
  9. Top EC2 OnDemand Costs ```sql SELECT “line_item_product_code”, “line_item_line_item_description”, round(sum(“line_item_unblended_cost”),2) as cost from “costmaster”.”china_cur_ray” WHERE “line_item_product_code” like ‘%AmazonEC2%’ and “line_item_usage_type” like ‘%BoxUsage%’ GROUP BY “line_item_product_code”, “line_item_line_item_description” ORDER BY cost desc LIMIT 10;

10. Top 20 costs by line item description, with a `Name` Tag
 SELECT "bill_payer_account_id", "product_product_name", "line_item_usage_type", "line_item_line_item_description", "resource_tags_user_name", round(sum(line_item_unblended_cost),2) as cost FROM "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
 WHERE length("resource_tags_user_name") >0
 GROUP BY "resource_tags_user_name", "bill_payer_account_id", "product_product_name", "line_item_usage_type", "line_item_line_item_description"
 ORDER BY cost desc
  1. Who used Reserved Instances and what they would have paid with public pricing. ```sql SELECT “bill_payer_account_id”, “bill_billing_period_start_date”, “line_item_usage_account_id”, “reservation_subscription_id”, “line_item_product_code”, “line_item_usage_type”, sum(“line_item_usage_amount”) as Usage, “line_item_unblended_rate”, sum(“line_item_unblended_cost”) as Cost, “line_item_line_item_description”, “pricing_public_on_demand_rate”, sum(“pricing_public_on_demand_cost”) as PublicCost from “costmaster”.”china_cur_ray” WHERE “line_item_line_item_Type” like ‘%DiscountedUsage%’ GROUP BY “bill_payer_account_id”, “bill_billing_period_start_date”, “line_item_usage_account_id”, “reservation_subscription_id”, “line_item_product_code”, “line_item_usage_type”, “line_item_unblended_rate”, “line_item_line_item_description”, “pricing_public_on_demand_rate” LIMIT 20

12. How much is being spent on each different family (usage type) and how much is covered by Reserved instances.
 SELECT "line_item_usage_type", sum("line_item_usage_amount") as usage, round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
 WHERE "line_item_usage_type" like '%t2.%'
 GROUP BY "line_item_usage_type"
 ORDER BY "line_item_usage_type"
  1. Costs By running type Divide the cost by usage (hrs), and see how much is being spent per hour on each of the usage types. Compare BoxUsage (On Demand), to HeavyUsage (Reserved instance), to SpotUsage (Spot). ```sql SELECT “line_item_usage_type”, round(sum(“line_item_usage_amount”),2) as usage, round(sum(“line_item_unblended_cost”),2) as cost, round(avg(“line_item_unblended_cost”/”line_item_usage_amount”),4) as hourly_rate from “costmaster”.”china_cur_ray” WHERE “line_item_product_code” like ‘%AmazonEC2%’ and “line_item_usage_type” like ‘%Usage%’ GROUP BY “line_item_usage_type” ORDER BY “line_item_usage_type” LIMIT 20

14. Show unused Reserved Instances 
  SELECT bill_billing_period_start_date, product_region, line_item_usage_type, reservation_subscription_id, reservation_unused_quantity, reservation_unused_recurring_fee from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
  WHERE length(reservation_subscription_id) > 0 and reservation_unused_quantity > 0
  ORDER BY bill_billing_period_start_date, reservation_unused_recurring_fee desc
  LIMIT 20
  1. Show the details of product or service usage
    Select round(sum("line_item_unblended_cost"),2) as cost, line_item_usage_type from "costmaster"."china_cur_ray"
    Where line_item_product_code='AWSConfig'
    group by line_item_usage_type;