Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS
aws emr describe-cluster –cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW –query ‘Cluster.Status.State’ –region ap-east-1
- SSH to EMR Cluster Master
cd ~/environment/SSH
ssh -i EMRKeyPair.pem
Spark cluster
aws emr create-cluster --name "Add Spark Step Cluster" --release-label emr-5.30.1 \
--applications Name=Spark Name=Hadoop Name=Pig Name=Hue Name=Hive Name=Tez \
--ec2-attributes KeyName=EMRKeyPair,SubnetIds=subnet-0a5ba02735f8cb53d \
--instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=m5.xlarge InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m5.xlarge \
--use-default-roles --log-uri s3://aws-logs-747411437379-ap-east-1/elasticmapreduce/ \
--steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name="Spark Program",Jar="command-runner.jar",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[spark-example,SparkPi,10] \
--use-default-roles --auto-terminate --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
Hive Cluster
aws emr create-cluster --name "emr-lab-transient" --release-label emr-5.30.1 \
--applications Name=Hadoop Name=Pig Name=Hue Name=Hive Name=Tez \
--ec2-attributes KeyName=EMRKeyPair,SubnetIds=subnet-0a5ba02735f8cb53d \
--instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=m5.xlarge InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m5.xlarge \
--use-default-roles --log-uri s3://aws-logs-747411437379-ap-east-1/elasticmapreduce/ \
--steps Type=Hive,Name="ny_taxi_test",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[-f,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/ny-taxi.hql,-d,INPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/,-d,OUTPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/hive/,-hiveconf,] \
--auto-terminate --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
Run some Hive SQL queries through Hive on Amazon EMR cluster to analysis New York Taxi dataset in S3 bucket.
Create S3 bucket: emr-workshop-lab-747411437379
and folder for files, logs, input, output
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/ --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
2020-08-26 08:24:00 0 files/
2020-08-26 08:24:07 0 input/
2020-08-26 08:25:13 1497006 input/tripdata.csv
2020-08-26 08:24:03 0 logs/
2020-08-26 08:24:11 0 output/
hive> SELECT DISTINCT rate_code_id FROM ny_taxi_test; hive> SELECT count(1) FROM ny_taxi_test;
4. HIVE - EMR Steps
- Analysis New York Taxi dataset
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW \
--steps Type=Hive,Name="ny_taxi_test",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[-f,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/ny-taxi.hql,-d,INPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/,-d,OUTPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/hive/,-hiveconf,] \
--region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws emr describe-step --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --step-id s-2K6IA2D3CALDN --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
#aws emr cancel-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --step-ids s-2K6IA2D3CALDN --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/ --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW \
--steps Type=Pig,Name="ny_taxi_pig",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[-f,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/ny-taxi.pig,-p,INPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/tripdata.csv,-p,OUTPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/pig] \
--region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW \
--steps Type=PIG,Name="TopIpAndRef",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[-f,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/do-reports3.pig,-p,INPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/samples/pig-apache/input,-p,OUTPUT=s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/pig-apache] \
--region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws emr describe-step --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --step-id s-1UOFBY7HPV3C8 --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
#aws emr cancel-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --step-ids s-1UOFBY7HPV3C8 --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/ --region ap-east-1 --profile hongkong
# connecting to the master node with SSH
scala> sc
scala> val textFile = sc.textFile("s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/samples/hive-ads/tables/impressions/dt=2009-04-13-08-05/")
scala> val linesWithCartoonNetwork = textFile.filter(line => line.contains("")).count()
linesWithCartoonNetwork: Long = 9
scala> linesWithCartoonNetwork
res1: Long = 9
aws emr add-steps –cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW –steps Type=CUSTOM_JAR,Name=”Spark NY Texi”,Jar=”command-runner.jar”,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[spark-submit,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/tripdata.csv,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output] –region ap-east-1 –profile hongkong
3. spark-submit
Read CSV data from Amazon S3; Add current date to the dataset; Write updated data back to Amazon S3 in Parquet format
# connecting to the master node with SSH
spark-submit --executor-memory 1g s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/ s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/spark
20/08/26 09:45:24 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 2 finished: showString at, took 0.306120 s +——–+——————–+———————+——————+———-+————+————+—————+————-+———–+—–+——-+———-+————+———+———————+————+————+———+——————–+ |VendorID|lpep_pickup_datetime|lpep_dropoff_datetime|store_and_fwd_flag|RatecodeID|PULocationID|DOLocationID|passenger_count|trip_distance|fare_amount|extra|mta_tax|tip_amount|tolls_amount|ehail_fee|improvement_surcharge|total_amount|payment_type|trip_type| current_date| +——–+——————–+———————+——————+———-+————+————+—————+————-+———–+—–+——-+———-+————+———+———————+————+————+———+——————–+ | 2| 1/1/17 0:01| 1/1/17 0:11| N| 1| 42| 166| 1| 1.71| 9.0| 0.0| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 9.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:03| 1/1/17 0:09| N| 1| 75| 74| 1| 1.44| 6.5| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 7.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:04| 1/1/17 0:12| N| 1| 82| 70| 5| 3.45| 12.0| 0.5| 0.5| 2.66| 0.0| null| 0.3| 15.96| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:01| 1/1/17 0:14| N| 1| 255| 232| 1| 2.11| 10.5| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 11.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:00| 1/1/17 0:18| N| 1| 166| 239| 1| 2.76| 11.5| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 12.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:00| 1/1/17 0:13| N| 1| 179| 226| 1| 4.14| 15.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 16.3| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:02| 1/1/17 0:26| N| 1| 74| 167| 1| 4.22| 19.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 20.3| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:15| 1/1/17 0:28| N| 1| 112| 37| 1| 2.83| 11.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 12.3| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:06| 1/1/17 0:11| N| 1| 36| 37| 1| 0.78| 5.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 6.3| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:14| 1/1/17 0:28| N| 1| 127| 174| 5| 3.49| 13.5| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 14.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:01| 1/1/17 0:09| N| 1| 41| 238| 1| 1.61| 8.5| 0.5| 0.5| 1.96| 0.0| null| 0.3| 11.76| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:31| 1/1/17 0:52| N| 1| 97| 228| 1| 5.63| 21.0| 0.5| 0.5| 1.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 23.3| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:01| 1/1/17 0:22| N| 1| 255| 26| 5| 10.24| 30.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 31.3| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:00| 1/1/17 0:09| N| 1| 70| 173| 1| 0.97| 7.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 8.3| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:03| 1/1/17 0:18| N| 1| 255| 40| 1| 5.56| 18.5| 0.5| 0.5| 5.94| 0.0| null| 0.3| 25.74| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:03| 1/1/17 0:03| N| 1| 82| 260| 1| 1.75| 10.0| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 11.3| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:00| 1/1/17 0:00| N| 5| 36| 36| 1| 0.0| 3.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.0| 3.0| 1| 2|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:01| 1/1/17 0:11| N| 1| 7| 223| 1| 2.0| 9.0| 0.5| 0.5| 2.06| 0.0| null| 0.3| 12.36| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:26| 1/1/17 0:38| N| 1| 256| 106| 1| 5.48| 17.0| 0.5| 0.5| 3.29| 0.0| null| 0.3| 21.59| 1| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| | 2| 1/1/17 0:49| 1/1/17 1:00| N| 1| 181| 228| 1| 2.0| 10.5| 0.5| 0.5| 0.0| 0.0| null| 0.3| 11.8| 2| 1|2020-08-26 09:45:…| +——–+——————–+———————+——————+———-+————+————+—————+————-+———–+—–+——-+———-+————+———+———————+————+————+———+——————–+ only showing top 20 rows
20/08/26 09:45:25 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 4 finished: count at, took 0.125519 s Total number of records: 20000
20/08/26 09:45:27 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 5 finished: parquet at, took 1.499231 s 20/08/26 09:45:27 INFO MultipartUploadOutputStream: close closed:false s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/spark/_SUCCESS
- Overriding Spark Default Configuration Settings
spark-submit --executor-memory 1g --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi /usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar 10
20/08/26 11:18:27 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 0 finished: reduce at SparkPi.scala:38, took 14.544719 s
Pi is roughly 3.138783138783139
installing and configureFoxyProxy
4. JupyterHub Notebooks
- login the JupyterHub Notebooks
Username: jovyan
Password: jupyter
input_path = “s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/input/tripdata.csv” output_path = “s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/output/”
nyTaxi =“inferSchema”, “true”).option(“header”, “true”).csv(input_path)
updatedNYTaxi = nyTaxi.withColumn(“current_date”, lit(
## Scaling Cluster Resources
| Items | EMR managed scaling | Custom automatic scaling |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| Scaling policies and rules | No policy required. EMR manages the automatic scaling activity by continuously evaluating cluster metrics and making optimized scaling decisions. | You need to define and manage the automatic scaling policies and rules, such as the specific conditions that trigger scaling activities, evaluation periods, cooldown periods, etc. |
| Supported EMR release versions | Amazon EMR version 5.30.0 and later (except Amazon EMR version 6.0.0) | Amazon EMR version 4.0.0 and later |
| Supported cluster composition | Instance groups or instance fleets | Instance groups only |
| Scaling limits configuration | Scaling limits are configured for the entire cluster. | Scaling limits can only be configured for each instance group. |
| Metrics evaluation frequency | Every 5 to 10 seconds | More frequent evaluation of metrics allows EMR to make more precise scaling decisions. | You can define the evaluation periods only in five-minute increments.
| Supported applications | Only YARN applications are supported, such as Spark, Hadoop, Hive, Flink. Other applications, such as Presto, are currently not supported. | You can choose which applications are supported when defining the automatic scaling rules. |

aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-5.30.1 \
--name EMR_Managed_Scaling_Enabled_Cluster \
--applications Name=Spark Name=Hbase \
--ec2-attributes KeyName=EMRKeyPair,SubnetIds=subnet-0a5ba02735f8cb53d \
--instance-groups InstanceType=m5.xlarge,InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1 InstanceType=m5.xlarge,InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2 \
--managed-scaling-policy ComputeLimits='{MinimumCapacityUnits=2,MaximumCapacityUnits=4,UnitType=Instances}' \
--region ap-east-1 --profile ap-east-1
hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> create 'ODS_DT_ONLINE_TRAIN_DATA_LOG', {NAME => 'F_DATA', TTL => '31536000 SECONDS (365 DAYS)', COMPRESSION => 'SNAPPY'};
Create the MSKDemoConfig cluster configuration when you create the cluter
auto.create.topics.enable = true
delete.topic.enable = true
log.retention.hours = 8
wget tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.2.1.tgz cd kafka_2.12-2.2.1/
ClusterArn=YOUR_CLUSTER_ARN ZookeeperConnectString=$(aws kafka describe-cluster –cluster-arn $ClusterArn –region ap-east-1 | jq .ClusterInfo.ZookeeperConnectString | sed ‘s/”//g’ ) echo ${ZookeeperConnectString} bin/ –create –zookeeper $ZookeeperConnectString –replication-factor 3 –partitions 1 –topic blog-replay bin/ –zookeeper $ZookeeperConnectString –list
cp $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts /tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks
cat kafka_2.12-2.2.1/config/ security.protocol=SSL ssl.truststore.location=/tmp/kafka.client.truststore.jks
BootstrapBrokerString=$(aws kafka get-bootstrap-brokers –cluster-arn $ClusterArn –region ap-east-1 | jq .BootstrapBrokerString | sed ‘s/”//g’ ) echo ${BootstrapBrokerString}
BootstrapBrokerStringTls=$(aws kafka get-bootstrap-brokers –cluster-arn $ClusterArn –region ap-east-1 | jq .BootstrapBrokerStringTls | sed ‘s/”//g’ ) echo ${BootstrapBrokerStringTls}
3. Run the Spark Streaming app to process clickstream events
# Build application
git clone
cd aws-big-data-blog/aws-blog-sparkstreaming-from-kafka
mvn clean install
aws s3 cp target/kafkaandsparkstreaming-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/ --region ap-east-1
# Run the Spark Streaming app and process clickstream events from the Kafka topic.
aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --region ap-east-1 \
--steps Type=spark,Name=SparkstreamingfromKafka,Args=[--deploy-mode,cluster,--master,yarn,--conf,spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion=true,--conf,spark.sql.catalogImplementation=hive,--num-executors,3,--executor-cores,3,--executor-memory,3g,--class,com.awsproserv.kafkaandsparkstreaming.ClickstreamSparkstreaming,s3://emr-workshop-lab-747411437379/files/kafkaandsparkstreaming-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar,$BootstrapBrokerString,blog-replay],ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE
# Use the Kafka producer app to publish clickstream events into the Kafka topic
java -cp target/kafkaandsparkstreaming-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.awsproserv.kafkaandsparkstreaming.ClickstreamKafkaProducer 25 blog-replay $BootstrapBrokerString
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
sent per second: 1785
select * from csmessages_hive_table limit 10;
## EMR Notebooks and SageMaker
EMR Notebooks are serverless Jupyter notebooks that connect to an EMR cluster using Apache Livy. They come preconfigured with Spark, allowing you to interactively run Spark jobs in a familiar Jupyter environment.

1. Attach the `AmazonSageMakerFullAccess` to `EMR_EC2_DefaultRole` Role
2. Create the `SageMaker-EMR-ExecutionRole` Role for SageMaker service
3. Create an EMR Notebook and choice cluster created in this lab

4. Run the Jupyter notebook [EMRSparkNotebook.ipynb](/aws-is-how/analytics/emr/101Workshop/scripts/EMRSparkNotebook.ipynb) for training and inference
Remember enter the `SageMaker-EMR-ExecutionRole` ARN and the region code in the first cell.
# Using the AWS Glue Data Catalog as the Metastore for Hive and Spark SQL
aws emr create-cluster --name "glue-emr-lab" \
--configurations file://configurations.json \
--release-label emr-5.32.0 \
--applications Name=Hadoop Name=Pig Name=Hue Name=Spark Name=Hive Name=Tez \
--ec2-attributes KeyName=EMRKeyPair,SubnetIds=subnet-id \
--instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=m5.xlarge InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m5.xlarge \
--use-default-roles \
--region cn-north-1
Using the AWS Glue Data Catalog as the Metastore for Hive
Using the AWS Glue Data Catalog as the Metastore for Spark SQL
- delete the EMR Notebook
- aws emr terminate-clusters --cluster-id j-N99HEXWVFXSW --region ap-east-1
- delete the MSK cluter
- termiate the MSK client EC2
- delete the S3 bucket
Amazon EMR 6.0.0 supports Hadoop 3, which allows the YARN NodeManager to launch Docker containers
Introducing Amazon EMR Managed Scaling – Automatically Resize Clusters to Lower Cost
Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka
Real-time Stream Processing Using Apache Spark Streaming and Apache Kafka on AWS