AWS Batch Getting Start demo

Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS

AWS Batch Getting Start demo

Configure the Compute Environment and Job Queue

Follow up the guide: Batch_GetStarted to create the Compute Environment and Job Queue Follow up the guide ECS instance_IAM_role to create the EC2 instance role: ecsInstanceRole

1. Define a Job: select `No job submission`, then click Next
2. Compute environment name: `small-batch-env`
3. Service role: `AWSBatchServiceRole`
4. EC2 instance role: `ecsInstanceRole`
5. Provisioning Model: `On-Demand`
6. Allowed instance types: `optimal`
7. Minimum vCPUs: 1; Desired vCPUs: 2; Maximum vCPUs: 4
8. VPC Setting: select a VPC, subnet with Amazon ECS service endpoint or NAT Gateway configured. Select Security group with 443 port open.
9. Tag your instance with: `Name=small-batch-env-instance`
10. Job queue name: `small-batch-env`

Building the fetch & run Docker image

  1. Build the docker images
cd aws-batch-helpers-master/fetch-and-run

docker build -t awsbatch/fetch_and_run .

docker images
REPOSITORY                TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
awsbatch/fetch_and_run    latest     1545fa79d6e5        2 minutes ago       438MB
amazonlinux               latest     7f335821efb5        3 months ago        163MB

Sample docker build result

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-83 fetch-and-run]$ docker build -t awsbatch/fetch_and_run .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  8.192kB
Step 1/6 : FROM amazonlinux:latest
 ---> 7f335821efb5
Step 2/6 : RUN yum -y install which unzip aws-cli
 ---> Running in bd2069b1f02e
Loaded plugins: ovl, priorities
Resolving Dependencies
Dependencies Resolved
Dependency Installed:

Removing intermediate container bd2069b1f02e
 ---> f7a70a704b04
Step 3/6 : ADD /usr/local/bin/
 ---> 6374b423068a
Step 4/6 : WORKDIR /tmp
 ---> Running in faa0f1806114
Removing intermediate container faa0f1806114
 ---> f22a510524ad
Step 5/6 : USER nobody
 ---> Running in 5601a768135e
Removing intermediate container 5601a768135e
 ---> 26a13becc9a6
Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
 ---> Running in 0b6e16271694
Removing intermediate container 0b6e16271694
 ---> 1545fa79d6e5
Successfully built 1545fa79d6e5
Successfully tagged awsbatch/fetch_and_run:latest
  1. Push the image to ECR ```bash aws ecr create-repository –repository-name awsbatch/fetch_and_run –region cn-northwest-1

aws ecr get-login-password –region cn-northwest-1 | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin docker tag awsbatch/fetch_and_run:latest docker push

## Batch Job preparation

1. Sample job script

echo "Args: $@"
echo "This is my simple test job!."
echo "jobId: $AWS_BATCH_JOB_ID"
echo "jobQueue: $AWS_BATCH_JQ_NAME"
echo "computeEnvironment: $AWS_BATCH_CE_NAME"
sleep $1
echo "bye bye!!"
  1. upload to S3 bucket
    aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/
    #aws s3 cp s3://ray-redshift-training/scripts/
  2. Create an IAM role

Create a batchJobRole IAM role with permission of AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess for type of trusted entity as

Create a Batch job

  1. Create a job definition
    Job Definition Name: fetch_and_run
    Job attempts: 1
    Execution timeout: 600 seconds
    IAM Role: batchJobRole.
    ECR Repository URI:
    Command field: Leave blank
    For vCPUs, enter 1. For Memory, enter 500. For GPU: leave blank value
    For User, enter nobody
    Leave others as default setting
  2. Submit and run a job
    Job name: fetch_and_run_script_test
    Job definition: fetch_and_run:1
    Job queue: small-batch-env
    Job Type: Single
    Command: enter ` 60`
    environment variables
    Key=BATCH_FILE_TYPE, Value=script
    Key=BATCH_FILE_S3_URL, Value=s3://ray-redshift-training/scripts/ Don’t forget to use the correct URL for your file.
    key=S3_BUCKET_REGION, Value=cn-northwest-1
    Leave others as default setting
  3. Check Job status

After the job is completed, check the final status in the console.

Job ID Job name Array size Number of nodes Status Created at Started at Run time
1624b550-55dd-4235-a756-c21e00f4bcf4 fetch_and_run_script_test SUCCEEDED 10:54:25 pm 08/10/20 10:54:35 pm 08/10/20 a minute

In the job details page, you can also choose View logs for this job in CloudWatch console to see your job log batch-execution-cw-logs


Creating a Simple “Fetch & Run” AWS Batch Job